Tag Archives: summer

Gladiator Sandals

13 Jun

For the past couple of years gladiator sandals have been in.  I love this look! Here are a couple of examples:







Hair and Chlorine

25 Apr

Summer is right around the corner, and I bet most of you are excited to go swimming.  The one thing I most dislike about swimming is the chlorine makes my hair so dry and unmanageable!  And, if you have blond or light hair your hair also probably starts to get a little green.  That is not from the chlorine, but from the copper in the pool.  Even though it isn’t actually the chlorine, you can still protect your hair when in chlorinated water.  Here are some tips:

*Wet your hair before going into the pool

*If your hair is already green, mix some baking soda into your shampoo

*Always use a swim shampoo after going in chlorinated water (my favorite is UltraSwim chlorine removal shampoo)

I hope you found these helpful!





P.S.  Make sure to look at the edit I made on my healthy tanning post (baby oil)!