Liebster blog Award!

28 Nov

OhhAngel @ just nominated me fot the Liebster blog award!  Make sure to check her blog out, and defiantly follow it :-)! You can see her post about this here.


Here are the rules:  The person nominated must answer the 5 questions given by the person who nominated them AND tell 5 random facts about yourself. Then, nominate 5 blogs with under 200 followers, make sure to tell them you nominated them! Ask the people you nominate 5 questions of your own.  Optional: proudly display the Liebster blog award icon on you blog!


Questions (for me):

1. Meaning behind favorite movie?

My favorite movie is The Devil wears Prada, and I think this movie is saying that you shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover.

 2. One trait you can’t live without in a boyfriend/girlfriend?

Someone who can make me laugh!

3. Favorite product?

So hard to chose… I’ll have to say Mac creme blend blush, in Ladyblush.

4. Can you cook? If so, what is your favorite dish to cook?

I can only make brownies out of a box, but I enjoy “cooking” those!

5. Favorite restaurant?

I love Panera bread!  I usually get the chicken caesar salad sandwich, or clam chowder in a bread bowl.


5 Random facts!:

1. My nails are really weak, so I cannot grow them very long

2. I on the east coast of the USA

3. My favorite WordPress feature is the one where you can make a post publish on a day in the feauture.  Very helpful for when you know you are going to be busy!

4. I love to horseback ride

5. When I was younger I desperately wanted homework (then I got it… :-P)


I nominate (Let’s get these awesome bloggers to 200 followers!):


Oh My Gosh Style

Nana Sofie Makeup

In the grey Areas

The Lacquered Latina


Qusetions for Nominees:

1. Which are you favorite drugstore and high end brands?

2. If you could only use 5 makeup products, what would they be?

3. What is your favorite thing to blog about?

4. What is the next product you plan on buying?

5. What is your favorite color nail polish to wear?








PS I am sorry if I nominated you and you have over 200 followers, it is sometimes hard to tell how many followers some one has.  If that happens, you can still do the post and accept the award!

7 Responses to “Liebster blog Award!”

  1. thebestdressup November 29, 2012 at 1:59 am #

    ciao! congrats.

  2. beautyfashionlifexo November 30, 2012 at 3:05 am #

    Thanks for nominating me! This is such a great idea. Can’t wait to answer your questions and nominate 5 more bloggers!
    Love, Jess xo (beautyfashionlifexo)

  3. thundermtfashion November 30, 2012 at 2:54 pm #



  1. #20 Liebster Blog Awards « beautyfashionlifexo - November 30, 2012

    […] you can imagine, this really has made my day! So thank you so much! You can see her post about it here, and you should definitely read her […]

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